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Mission & Vision


Mission Statement

As followers of Jesus Christ, Lindale Mennonite Church seeks to be a caring Anabaptist community sent to neighbors near and far through vibrant worship, abundant generosity, and ministry in word and deed.


Vision Statement

Lindale Mennonite Church is a fellowship of Anabaptist believers in the stream of God's love who are being;

RELEASED from the bonds of sin and freed by the grace of God through the saving work of His Son Jesus Christ to walk in newness of life;

EMPOWERED by the Holy Spirit and nurtured within the community of believers to follow Jesus and daily live the Kingdom values of the Sermon on the Mount;

SENT to neighbors near and far, calling them by word and deed to embrace God's gift of healing and hope, the joy of community and the promise of new life.


The 12 Scriptures

Mennonite Church USA designated 2013 as the "Year of the Bible." Congregations were encouraged to engage in what is called the "12 Scripture Project" through which congregations would explore the Bible and find the scriptures that reflect who they are as a worshipping community, and also shape generations yet to come. Lindale participated in the process of finding and discovering key texts that have been formative for both individuals and the entire congregation in the spring of 2013. Those texts were the basis for that summer's sermon series.

1. Deuteronomy 6:4-9 God is One, worship God – Sovereignty

2. Psalm 23 God is Shepherd and Host – Providence

3. Psalm 139 God Presence and Plan for our lives – Providence

4. Proverbs 3:5-6 God’s Leading – Providence

5. Isaiah 40:28-31, 41:10, 43:1-3 God’s Presence and Protection

6. Micah 6:6-8 God’s Mercy and Justice – Sovereignty

7. Matthew 6:25-33 Seek God and God’s Kingdom – Providence

8. John 3:16-18 God’s Love for the Cosmos – Salvation

9. Acts 13:2-3 God’s Call to Go Spread the Gospel – Mission

10. Romans 8:28-39 God Works in everything for Good – Providence

11. II Cor. 5:16-21 We are God’s Ambassadors – Salvation, Mission

12. Revelation 12:10-11 The Way of the Lamb – Sovereignty, Salvation

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